Exploring life in the USA one survey at a time.
I wrote a paper in college on finance using a company I selected (Bally) and realized I learned a lot from the train of thought to complete the project.
My senior year I had a speech and debate class given by a teacher who in a previous life worked on Broadway as an acting coach. He was incredible...unlike any other teacher I ever encountered
Junior year of high school we had to recite Brutus's eulogy from Julius Caesar in front of the class; extra credit if we wore a toga. I was ALL IN. Learning to recite is what unlocked the meaning of the lines for me -- Shakespeare is meant to be spoken.
This one time, I had to read a book called Parallel Journeys. The chapters alternated from a holocaust survivor and a former hitler youth.
Taking graduate classes at night in business while working was the most relevant “classroom” learning I experienced.
My support from an esteemed professor…Dr Leo Brady (CUA in DC)… gave me confidence in my knowledge of theater and my ability to express my personal opinions. He was honestly surprised at my insights and since he knew more about the arts than anyone I knew, my self worth was changed forever.
I remember in high school I took at world history course with a teacher who truly loved history and taught us like he was telling us a story. I had always been lukewarm to history classes, but his passion and his breadth of knowledge got me hooked into wanting to learn more because instead of memorizing facts, I actually understood the context and greater meaning of history.
At our high school we had a model United Nations club. Two people were assigned to be each country, and various global issues were discussed and debated. It was an outstanding way to build up debating skills and learn a lot about a variety of countries. The G7 countries were always the best to be, and being in Canada, the US vs. Russia debates were the most fun. It wasn't politically divisive, but it did get emotions flowing. Battling against other high schools was a blast. I remember clashing with my now wife's boyfriend at the time in our senior year. I like to think winning that debate helped to win her heart but she just tells me I'm a moron for thinking that. :)
I took a service learning trip to Ireland to study and help youth in after school programs. The experience opened my eyes to faith, helping people, and understanding that the world is larger than myself
Nearly one day of every week in HS biology II was spent outdoors doing fieldwork. We would hike and identify trees and wildflowers or wade through a creek with nets to collect fish and insect samples. On other days we would collect pond samples to bring back for viewing under the microscope. Textbook drawings of single-celled organisms depict a fascinating world of tiny creatures, but actually seeing them, alive, in a drop of water is thrilling and inspiring.
I was in a STEM-Business program in high school that placed high importance on public speaking. The first day of class freshman year, we had to get up in front of the class and give a 90 second speech on an object we pulled from a box. It was terrifying but got us all comfortable for giving 45-60 minute presentations by junior year.
With Professor Stuart the Personal Essay was the most impactful essay/assignment in school. CCP has taught me the value of critical thinking, not only intrinsically but also extrinsically. The essay provided insights into my character and also highlighted areas for personal growth and development.
My high school counselor helped guide me to a small liberal arts college rather than a large state school, and that was life-changing for me.
I had an excellent grammer and composition teacher that really helped me prepare for vigorous writing expectations in college. I also remember a teacher in 5th grade that introduced dinosaurs and the eras of time. And lastly, same teacher taught us the nuances of how to read a newspaper
I believe the most important determinant in school success is parental expectations, example, involvement and support in their children's school experience. I was lucky to have all supportive parental inputs that supplemented the secondary (but still important) elements of school infrastructure, resources and of course teachers.
Too many to pick just one. Most enjoyable were art, choir, and music classes, plus access to after school theater programs
I had the best penmanship In 4th grade so I was the first one to be awarded the ability to complete assignments in pen.
I was had a few of teachers / coaches that helped motivate me to setting goals.
"Chasing" the background, history, literature related to a myth/symbol/ritual. Any and all things. I selected the "Tree". Fascinating.
In 3rd grade we did a mini society and my product made the most money in the entire grade.
I did my thesis for a graduate program in Art therapy on the ways humor can positively impact a therapeutic relationship. I continue to be fascinated with how subtly powerful the right application of humor can be as a healing force.
In first grade I raised my hand to go to the bathroom. The nun, Sister Dolarene (I'll never forget her!) would not allow me to go. I had an accident, soaking my clothes and making a puddle on the floor. She made me clean it up and bring the soiled rags out to the incinerator in the schoolyard. It was a horrible experience. Most of the nuns I encountered were nasty creatures.
In 1989 I participated in the Kenston field experience which involved two earth science teachers, taking 30 freshman and sophomores on an 8000 mile 30 day camping experience through the American west. Throughout the experience, we had geology lectures, and then the opportunity to hike through America’s national parks to look at and stand on the geological features we had been learning about the previous day. It was incredible.
Having the opportunity to design two independent study classes in college where I got to dive into a subject I really loved (phenomenology) with a teacher I loved (Bert States).
The summer before my senior year of high school, I had the opportunity to travel to China for 10 days. It was a very memorable trip full of unique experiences and opportunities to meet other students from the US and China.
In high school I was awarded the top music department award. The music faculty pulled 6 of us aside and told us they couldn’t pick a single person because we were all equally talented - so they decided, because I was so horrible the first few years and somehow kept going, that I was deserving of the award.
I had a great student teaching experience. Solidified my desire to teach.
Sister Dorothy’s AP US History Class. Junior year of high school. We spent weeks on the Continental Congress. Each student (all girls school) had to research, write about and inhabit a delegate. Wish I could remember my delegate. I do remember a few heated discussions. We all surprised ourselves by getting into so much.
psychotherapist, Marine Corps., nurse, administrative, realtor, mediation/arbitration/city council, theater, IT data work, finance/salesmktg/manufacturing/general mgmt/strategic planning/theater/real estate/hospitatlity/volunteer work, education/agriculture, teacher, acting in film/television/live theater, real estate, education, attorney, interior designer, software engineer, attorney, lawyer, marketing, executive assistant, entertainment, art, education, human resources, tv production, software development in a startup, driver for elderly, counseling/arts enrichment/philanthropy/fine arts, nonprofit suicide prevention, education, currently stay at home parent/previously business/brand marketing, sales/marketing, used to teach now work retail, interior desing, renewable energy construction, office administration, performing arts, forensic science, finance and functional food/beverage/vitamins, physical therapy, human resources, military, environmental consulting, non profit, film (writing/directing/producing)/social enterprise, retired RN, therapist, janitorial services, mental health, graphic design, educator, health care technology, entertainment industry, writer/producer
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